Galbraith’s Overseas Holdings Limited appointed Mazars to perform the financial and tax due diligence of Ifchor group

2022 | Ifchor group is an international shipping brokerage company with 17 entities worldwide. Mazars was involved in the merger of Galbraith's Overseas Holdings Limited and Ifchor group.

The merger of the international shipping brokers Ifchor and Galbraith's aims to remain competitive in the shipping business by continuing to jointly develop their global presence.

Mazars was mandated by Galbraith's to perform the due diligence of three entities of the Ifchor group (including the holding company and the Swiss operating company) on tax and financial aspects.

Mazars involved a large team on this project led by Giuseppe Sottile and Ludovic Pasche (tax) and by Antonio Rubino and Baudouin Heron (financial advisory).

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